Waggoner Cruising Guide 2022

$25.66 USD

SKU: FEC1022 Category:


The Waggoner Cruising Guide includes the most comprehensive and up-to-date information from Olympia, WA to Ketchikan, AK. Editor and Publisher, Mark Bunzel, said “Our readers have told us they really enjoy the cruising tips and suggestions included in the front section of the guidebook. They learn a lot and find their cruising experience to be more enjoyable.”

The Waggoner Cruising Guide is available in many Puget Sound stores and other retail outlets in the US and British Columbia. You can also find the Waggoner Cruising Guide, and other great publications, here on our website, and in the Waggoner Bookstore located at 902 8th St, Anacortes, WA 98221.

The Waggoner Cruising Guide is updated annually, including current information for marinas and anchorages. Your Most Trusted Source for Northwest Boating Information.

Some Popular Cruising Areas Covered:

  • Puget Sound (includes Hood Canal)
  • San Juan Islands
  • Canadian Gulf Islands (includes Victoria)
  • Vancouver and Howe Sound
  • Princess Louisa Inlet
  • Desolation Sound
  • Johnstone Strait and adjacent waterways
  • Queen Charlotte Strait and adjacent waterways
  • West Coast of Vancouver Island
  • Central and Northern B.C. Coast (Wells Passage to Prince Rupert)

Additional information

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 27 × 20 × 5 cm